Registration has moved from the Fall to the beginning of the summer, which is when we will promote our Sunday Life Groups. REGISTER for Summer 2024 and the 2024-2025 school year!
Fill out your 2024-2025 Family Information sheet with the information we need to keep our students safe. You'll be taken to a secure site. It's very helpful to have a current photo of each student handy. Thank you!
5 And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
6 And these words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart;
7 and you shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.
(Deuteronomy 6:5-7)
We endeavor to create a learning experience for each child that is biblical, worshipful, exciting, inspiring, fun, edifying and full of love, care and patience. We want to teach and inspire our children to
- trust Jesus as Savior and Lord
- love God
- love one another
- live the mission
- honor their parents and those in authority
- develop leadership qualities
- grow in integrity and godly character
- experience God’s presence 24/7 and follow His guidance
- accurately understand and apply God’s word daily
- surrender their lives to God’s call whatever that may be
- diligently honor God in their schooling, sports and the arts, and
- be good stewards.
We believe in teaching children the Word of God in a fun and exciting way that stimulates participation and growth. To teach and inspire our children we use the Bible, ourselves as examples, illustrative stories and testimonies, music, drama, art, games, videos and rewards.
If we have described your perspective regarding the discipleship of children, we invite you to join this team. Our children need teacher helpers as well as teachers. If you would like to serve with one of the age groups, please contact a team leader or the church office. Six months of active participation in CPF and a background check is required before serving in a student ministry.
Groups for children include:
Children's Church
Our Children's Church is a high energy, interactive worship experience for children where the Bible comes alive! Elementary aged kids (4 years through 4th grade) are invited to leave the sanctuary each Sunday morning following the music portion of our worship service.
If you're visiting for a week or two, welcome! Please fill out a paper "Family Information Sheet" (available in our lobby) with your children's names and your cell number (other info isn't necessary for vacationers.)
If you live here and will be a part of our church family, we'd appreciate your filling out the online form, which gives you a chance to attach headshots of your kids. Thank you!---
Life Groups
Life Groups (for adults as well as children) meet 10:30-11:30am. In these groups children learn to love God, love one another and live the mission through the use of age-appropriate and interactive Bible stories, puppets, drama, music, memory verses, art, and games.
CrossPointe Kids Clubs
On Wednesday evenings during the school year, kids are invited to our CrossPointe Kids Clubs where our goal is to help children develop character and skill for life. Kids Clubs (boys and girls generally separate into separate clubs) are a part of our Wednesday Night BLAST (Building Lives Around Solid Truth), which includes:
6:00 p.m. Family supper - Every Welcome! We suggest donations of $3/person or $10/family to help offset food costs. This year we will (close the serving line in plenty of time for everyone to eat and get to class)
6:45 p.m. Salty Youth (grades 8-12)
Warriors for Christ (grades 5-7)
6:45 p.m. Kids Clubs
Preschool [3-4 years old]
Boys Club [5 years - 4th grade]
Girls Club [5 years - 4th grade]
All groups dismissed between 7:45 and 8:00 pm.