You are encouraged to download the bulletin, which includes the sermon outline. A printed sermon guide is beneficial as you watch or listen to a message. To print only the sermon guide, print pages 5-8.
This week's video and past messages are on our YouTube channel. Please subscribe to our channel!
Audio-only versions and sermon guides for most messages from July 2010- July 2024 are available under the Messages tab.
Looking for a group to do life with?
You'll find current weekly Life Groups for adults - and other great info about CPF - in our bulletin. The online calendar is a great place to find information on groups and ministries that meet less regularly.
Adult Groups
Life Groups (small groups) for adults cover various studies, ages, and activities. We have groups on Sunday mornings, groups that meet during the week, and groups that gather in homes. Visit several groups. There will be one that fits you. We love involved families!
Children and Youth
Youth are actively engaged in activities that are both fun and educational. They regularly meet on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings all year and participate in various exciting events.
Exciting activities abound for elementary-aged children every Sunday morning at 10:30 and Wednesday evenings during the school year. Our Children's page has more information. We welcome babies and toddlers in our nursery, where they'll receive loving care with Bible stories and activities.